Traction Towards Optimal Living

Jen DiLella Thumbnail


3 Months / 6 Sessions
1st session complementary
CUSTOMIZED to uncover and optimize your strengths
Learn STRATEGIES that interface with your natural pace
END GOAL walk away with usable tools that will increase your PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS


  • Stronger self management
  • Refined physical activity goals
  • Heightened emotional engagement/command
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Better energy regulation
  • Individualized balance building
  • Enhanced self knowledge

Jen DiLella

Jen was trained at L.I.U/ Brooklyn Hospital Center and was fortunate to work as a Physician Assistant (PA) in Emergency Medicine for 10 years. She then became certified as a Physical Activity in Public Health Specialist (PAPHS) with the American College of Sports Medicine and presently coaches executives for TIGNUM as a part-time performance specialist. These experiences have collectively validated Jen’s assessment that people make changes only if it makes sense to them and if those changes align with the forces that truly drive them.

Jen’s effectiveness as a coach is most influenced by her life experiences. Intrigued by human behavior, she has tracked her own decisions with fascination and a grain of salt. As a former college athlete and subsequent recreational distance runner, adjusting activity choices and intensity levels is an ongoing challenge. Goal recalibration has become prominent in her own personal development leading to shorter distance trail running, participation in a weekly group walk and a daily emphasis on functional movement. At the end of the day, having good energy left for friends and family has become one of her top priorities.

Injuries have also contributed to Jen’s relatability as a coach. Lower back restriction and knee surgery led to a deeper understanding of and respect for the body’s design, adaptability and influence on life quality. Supporting individuals with their own unique interests, drivers and challenges is a role Jen enjoys beyond description.



No Cost Consultation

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HOLISTIC: Characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole.

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